Archive for the ‘PHP’ Category

Installing ssh2 PHP extension under OSX

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

After migrating to my new mac, I found I needed to reinstall the ssh2 PHP extension:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ssh2_connect() in /Users/ethan/Sites/myfile.php on line 40

Since this is the second time I’ve had to do this now, and it took a bit of head scratching both times, I figured I’d document how to install this extension under Mac OS 10.6… (more…)

BikeJournal Facebook App – Monthly Graphs

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

Released a new feature today. As requested, we are now storing and graphing monthly total distance for the current year. This is only available on the BikeJournal Tab on your profile

BikeJournal Facebook Graph

The current month actual figure is shown in red, and the grey bar behind it is the projection, assuming that you continue riding at the rate you have been so far for the month, so this figure will get more accurate the closer we get to the end of the month.

You can see this in action on my BikeJournal Tab or by adding BikeJournal to your profile tabs.

Hope everyone enjoys the new feature – let me know your thoughts and any suggestions!

If you’re not using this app yet, check it out at; you’ll need to be a member of too, of course.

Updated PHP SVN Client

Monday, May 12th, 2008

I’ve been working on a frontend for multiple SVN repositories (I’ll write more about this later) and have been using the the Sixdegrees PHP SVN Client library.Since I’ve made some changes to the library, I thought I’d share them here. The changes/fixes I’ve put in mostly relate to the commit logs (I haven’t really used the other features), but will hopefully be of use to others


- Added support for non-standard port numbers (rewrote cleanURL)
- getFileLogs will now include an array of files, if multiple files have been modified
- added setRepository method, to fix mis-spelling of old setRespository method
- various bugfixes (out by one error on getFileLogs)

Download Updated PHP SVN Client (zip, 22kb)

You might want to check the original package page for more information When investigating the SVN/WebDAV procotol, the following links were useful (documented here so I don’t have to find them again)

Update 23/06/08: This project is being actively developed by a few people (including myself). The new project homepage is at